
Options and Futures
Lorenzo Naranjo

Spring 2024


  • In this class we study the pricing, hedging and uses of financial derivatives or derivatives for short.
  • A derivative is a financial instrument whose payoff depends on, or is derived from, the value of another financial asset such as a stock, a foreign currency, a futures, or another quantity such as volatility.
  • The value of a derivative is then the discounted value of its payoff.
    • Linear payoffs are easier to price.
    • Non-linear payoffs are harder to value.
  • A positive payoff means that you receive money, whereas a negative payoff represents an outflow of money.

A More Formal Definition

  • For many derivatives, the payoff is realized at maturity.
    • Time \(0\) is where we are right now.
    • Time \(T\) is when the derivative expires.
  • If \(S_{T}\) denotes the value of a stock at maturity, the payoff of the derivative is a function of \(S_{T}\) denoted as \(f(S_{T})\).
  • An important question that we answer in this class is how to price this derivative.

Example: Derivative with Linear Payoff

  • A forward contract is a commitment to purchase or sell an asset at maturity for a certain price \(K\).
  • The payoff of a long forward is the difference between the price of the asset at maturity and the price agreed in the contract, that is, the payoff is a linear function of the stock price: \[ f(S) = S - K \]
    • Typically the contract is designed so the value at inception is zero.
    • Later on, the value of the contract will change and might become positive or negative.

Example: Derivative with Nonlinear Payoff

  • An option gives the holder the right but not the obligation to purchase or sell an asset at maturity for a given price \(K\).
  • The payoff of an option is a nonlinear function of the asset price at maturity.
  • For example, the buyer of a call option receives: \[ f(S) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } S < K \\ S - K & \text{if } S \geq K \\ \end{cases} \]
  • Since the payoff is non-negative, the holder of an option must pay a premium to the seller.

Derivatives with Periodic Payments

  • Some derivatives involve the payment of cash flows periodically over time.
  • For example, interest rates swaps involve the exchange of a fixed interest rate for a floating interest rate, or vice-versa.
  • Another example is credit default swaps (CDS) which involve the exchange of periodic payments in exchange for protection in case of a bond default.

Assets with Embedded Derivatives

  • It is also possible to embed derivatives to simpler assets such as bonds.
  • For example, many bonds found in financial markets are callable, that is, the issuer has the right to pay the bond holder the principal at any time before maturity.
  • Other bonds are convertible into shares of the issuing company at a fixed price.
  • Thus, convertible bonds contain a call option on the company stock which might be very valuable.

Do We Need Other Payoffs?

  • In theory, we could design a derivative with any payoff function \(f(S)\).
  • For example, we could choose \(f(S) = S^{2}\) or \(f(S) = \ln(S)\).
  • It turns out that with forwards and options it is possible to build any type of payoff that a trader might want.
  • We will see that by having options and forwards with different strikes we can complete the market.
  • Combining options and forwards together is usually called options strategies.

Purposes of Derivatives

  • Derivatives allow investors to obtain payoffs that might be useful to achieve certain objectives.
  • For example, some commodity producers use derivatives to hedge their future production by fixing today the price at which they will sell in the future.
  • Other traders like derivatives because they can obtain custom design payoffs that allow them to speculate in very specific ways.
  • Therefore, derivatives make both types of traders, hedgers and speculators, better off by expanding their trading opportunity set and thus increasing their utility.

The Market for Derivatives

  • The demand side is composed of buy-side traders that want to use derivatives for either hedging or speculative purposes.
  • The supply side is determined by sell-side traders or market makers that provide liquidity to the rest of the market.
  • The net demand, which can be positive or negative, is balanced by market makers.
  • In order for market makers to hedge their exposure, they need to dynamically trade the underlying asset and risk-free bonds.

Pricing and Hedging of Derivatives

  • One of the main results in modern asset pricing is that a perfectly hedged portfolio should earn the risk-free rate of interest.
  • Otherwise there would be an arbitrage opportunity.
  • Therefore, in order to price an option or a forward contract we need to learn how to hedge or replicate the position first.
  • For options, the hedging recipe depends heavily on the modelling of the stock price evolution over time.
    • Time can be seen as either discrete or continuous.
    • The distribution of random shocks will affect the evolution of stock prices over time.